Selasa, 02 September 2014

Title: Facebook virus Type: Malware Remove Facebook virus

Facebook virus is a dangerous computer parasite, which infects systems when visiting this social network. Once it gets inside, it helps for cyber criminals to hack Facebook's account and spreads the same virus to victim's contacts. Besides, it is also often used to steal sensitive information from computers, so be aware that you may lose your banking data, passwords and other important information when having this threat on board. Clearly, Facebook virus is a destructive program designed for malicious purposes only. If you want to know how it is distributed, continue reading..


Mostly, Facebook virus is distributed via fake messages that are filled with malicious links. These messages are designed really tricky, so that they could initiate natural curiosity in people and make them click on a link. Once you click on such link, trojan horse infects the system and starts its activity there. However, there are some another ways how you can let Facebook virus inside your computer: you can be infected after granting illegal or hacked application access to your account, installing a computer virus, which is used to steal Facebook password, or using a weak password and letting for someone hack your Facebook account in this way.


Facebook Child Porn virus  is a dangerous application, which is circulating on Facebook in a form of pornographic video. It may seem that the message, which has this video attached, was sent by your friend and it is safe. However, after opening it, it becomes clear that it's related to child pornography. Some victims report that it contains a phrase 'watch this if you're curious'. Once opened, virus automatically attaches to your Facebook account and shares this video with all of your Facebook friends.
Facebook Change Color virus is a sneaky variant of the Facebook virus, which relies on a message offering to change your social network's background to pink, red, black or other color. Just like other types of this threat, it may come to your inbox from one of your contacts, which has also been tricked by this scam message. Typically, it includes a malicious link helping for scammers to drive more traffic to their online survey. If you click on this link, you will send this scam message to all your contacts.
Facebook Friend Request virus is a dangerous threat, which sends friend requests from user's account to unknown people or, even worse, the ones who have been already blocked by a user. It has been reported that sometimes this virus manages to send more than 100 invites to random people. The point of creating and using this hasn't still been revealed. However, some experts claim that this threat may be used for taking over computers, shutting down their anti-virus programs and similar activities.
Facebook Automatic Wall Post virus is a cyber infection, which is created for increasing the traffic to specific domains. Besides, it may negatively affect your computer's security and try to steal your personal information. This virus makes people visit the website by showing a tricky message, which claims 'Sexiest Video ever' and includes a link leading to unknown website. Besides, it automatically makes a post on your wall and spreads in this way. If you see such message, which seems like it has been posted by your friend, you should remove it from your wall immediately.
Facebook Message virus is another variant of Facebook virus, which is spreading via the chat window. This virus pop-ups up with a message, which seems like it's from your friend and includes a normally-looking link. Of course, you should never click on this link because it infects computers with the virus capable to disable anti-virus software and download further malware on the system. Of course, if you click on a link, this virus will continue spreading itself on your Facebook account.
Invitation Facebook virus is a different kind of virus that has been spreading on Facebook for years. It spreads via a emails and Facebook's message board, and announces about a great danger on this social network. To be more precise, it foolishly warns about the Facebook threat that comes as a message with an attachment called Invitation Facebook and 'opens an Olympic torch and will take the whole hard disk C of your computer.' However, our security experts have revealed that this message includes trojan horse and other types of viruses. You should remove this scam letter as soon as you receive it.
Facebook Stalker virus is a dangerous FB application, which is actively spread on this social network. It belongs to scammers and it is used for stealing personal users' information, not for helping people to find out who is secretly watching their FB profile. If you fall for FB Stalker app, you will be rerouted to malicious site, which looks like a typical loggin page of the Facebook. Please, do NOT enter your personal information on it because you will lose your personal information.and Facebook's account!
Facebook “hahaha” virus is the latest version of Facebook virus. It is a serious malware, which is spread via this social network and used for turning computer into a bitcoin mining machine. Once it tricks its victims into downloading a malicious .Zip file, it starts initiating serious system's slow downs and similar issues. Please, don't let this malicious software stay on your computer because you can never know what malicious activities it can be used for.


If you want to avoid Facebook virus, you MUST avoid clicking on links that are not legitimate. If you are not expecting a message from your friend, you should simply ignore it or send him/her a message FIRST and ask if he/she has sent something to you. Additionally, avoid accessing every game or other app on Facebook because it may be hacked by cyber criminals.
If you have been tricked by any of these types of Facebook virus, you should change your Facebook's password ASAP in order to avoid identity theft in the future. Additionally, conatct your friends and warn then that your account has been hacked. Finally, download SpyHunter or STOPzilla, update it and run a full system scan in order to make sure that your PC is free of viruses..

Automatic Facebook virus removal:

It might be that we are affiliated with any of our recommended products. Full disclosure can be found in our Agreement of Use.
By downloading any of provided Anti-spyware software to remove Facebook virus you agree with our Privacy Policy and Agreement of Use.
SpyHunter is recommended remover to uninstall Facebook virus. You should confirm using free trial that it detects current version of parasite.

Note: Manual assistance required means that one or all of removers were unable to remove parasite without some manual intervention, please read manual removal instructions below.

If you failed to remove Facebook virus using SpyHunter, submit question to our support team and provide as much details as possible.
manual required
We are testing STOPzilla's efficiency at removing Facebook virus (2013-04-16 03:30:11)
Malwarebytes Anti Malware
manual required
We are testing Malwarebytes Anti Malware's efficiency at removing Facebook virus (2013-04-16 03:30:11)
XoftSpySE Anti Spyware
manual required
We are testing XoftSpySE Anti Spyware's efficiency at removing Facebook virus (2013-04-16 03:30:11)
Defender Pro Ultimate
manual required
We are testing Defender Pro Ultimate's efficiency at removing Facebook virus (2013-04-16 03:30:11)

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